There is a lot of talk around our house about "worldviews". What they are...why they are they affect our lives. And often times, God allows situations for our entire family to see a worldview in action. From idea all the way through application and actions. Be it Christian or becomes apparent how decisions are made and through what filter it comes through.
Homeschooling, church-going, Bible-reading, TV-prohibiting, sheltering, moral-living...cannot change the heart of my child. They can not. If I believed this to be true and parented through this worldview...wouldn't I be the same as the mother I conversed with? That my efforts and attempts would bring about the product I desired? That through time and circumstances my children would become who they were "meant to be"?
I see and interpret the world through God's Word...the unwavering Truth which is the foundation of this life. My perspective comes from the understanding that man is inherently sinful...and cannot remedy this problem on his matter how hard he tries. I believe that His sovereignty and love...provided the ONLY solution to this curse. He gave His innocent Son to die on a cruel cross and accept the punishment I deserved. This is my worldview. And I pray that this worldview trickles down and infuses all that I do and say for those sinful little selves that are looking on!
Recently, I had a conversation with a mother about our children. We talked about similar concerns we had with certain issues that had arisen. It became apparent quite early in the conversation that our worldviews differed...and thus our ideas for child-raising very different! I listened while she explained how her children were "finding themselves" and "working out the kinks" and that eventually...they would become who they were "meant to be". I mulled over these differing statements while intently listening to her methods of guiding her children. It was neither the time nor the place to get into a theological debate. But in the days since, it has provided me with much to think and pray about.
I approach my children as sinful little selves. I do not see them as a product of their environment. Yes, when the little ones do not get enough sleep...they are cranky. And yes, when one of my children does not have enough to eat...her blood sugar drops and she acts out. But the reality is...they are sinful...they are selfish...they are struggling in a body of death that has been passed down to them for generations. So while as parents we have laid a groundwork for our expectations on their behavior...the root issue...their out of our control. And while we feel that it is our responsibility to disciple them and raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord...the reality will be their own choice.
If I parent from the perspective of "betterment" then I negate not only the origin of sin...but also it's solution and cure. My children would only learn to escape punishment and/or please their parents. They would fail to grasp their complete and utter depravity...and would be caught up only in the works they perform.
But when the mirror of God's Word...the source of correction...reveals to their hearts that the origin of sin is not able to be reformed but only regenerated...the need for a Savior arises. Then...and only then...will the manifold mercy of God's marvelous grace transform their sinful little selves. And their obedience will be from their own personal desire to please their God.
I pondered that conversation for quite some time. I thought about the ramifications of the different worldviews...and how they were playing out in our own homes. And I was convicted that oftentimes...I can get swayed...caught up in the "outwardness" of my children rather than the true condition of their hearts. Forgetting that no matter how hard I "try" to recondition their behavior...sin will find it's way to the surface...because sin is what is in the heart. I examined my motivations for discipline...wondering if I was more concerned about how I appeared to others...rather than the work God was doing in each of them individually. I was reminded once again of my own need for a Savior...and that I had once been a participant of the kingdom of darkness but now a member of the kingdom of light. And that...while I appreciate the hard-work and diligent application of God's truth from my amazing salvation came through Christ...and HIM ALONE!!!
So while this conversation unveiled my friend's perspective and showed me all the more the sinfulness of my own heart...and once again pointed me back to Jesus and my need for Him.
Worldview: n. The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world.
I see and interpret the world through God's Word...the unwavering Truth which is the foundation of this life. My perspective comes from the understanding that man is inherently sinful...and cannot remedy this problem on his matter how hard he tries. I believe that His sovereignty and love...provided the ONLY solution to this curse. He gave His innocent Son to die on a cruel cross and accept the punishment I deserved. This is my worldview. And I pray that this worldview trickles down and infuses all that I do and say for those sinful little selves that are looking on!