The Wild Wild West...

Well...we did it. We loaded up four kids, five suitcases and six bags...took a van ride to the airport, two airplane rides, one layover, and then one long, congested California-freeway drive...and we finally made it out West!!! It had been almost two years since our last visit to Arizona...and about seven years since my last visit to California. It was high time to spend three solid weeks with dearly beloved family and friends!!!

First up...was a week in Riverside, California. 
While there...we celebrated my Grandmother's 80th birthday!
A huge gathering of cousins, aunts, uncles, and loved ones...all for one extremely special, godly, talented, amazing woman!!!

We spent the day eating, playing, laughing, and loving! 

We were able to see relatives from all over California and Arizona...and introduce them to all the newest additions of the Jimenez family!!!
It was a beautiful day...full of treasured memories!!

During our stay, my cousin, Zana, had a special surprise lined up for Amy...
she took her out horseback riding!!!
Zana is currently "trick riding" and rather than teach Amy any of those...
she opted for a more safer...calmer ride!!! Thank goodness! :-)

Not to be left out...Tyler had a special treat lined up for him as well. He is a HUGE fan of Ford Mustangs.
We aren't sure when or how it started...
but he makes a note of every single Mustang we pass while driving around town.
When I told him that my Uncle Jeff owned TWO Mustangs - one a suped up hot rod...and one a more updated version...he could not wait to check it out!
Uncle Jeff took his little fan out riding...and even to Mad Madeline's (a popular burger joint in Temecula).
And if that wasn't enough...
at the end of our stay...he gave Tyler a model version of a '68 Stang!!!

We also celebrated Jason's birthday...played several hands of cards (tradition)...learned new Kindle games...and just had a great time with family.

While planning for our trip, Jason and I tried to decide whether or not we could squeeze in a trip 
to Disneyland...but my parents took the discussion out of it and blessed us with tickets for the whole family!!!
We decided to surprise the kids...and told them we were going on a "field trip".
They weren't too enthusiastic...probably because it was pouring rain out the window and they assumed we were going to a zoo.
But as we pulled into downtown Anaheim...they started to see more and more Disney signs.
They came to the conclusion we were going to spend the day in Downtown Disney...
wrong again...we're doing to DISNEYLAND!!!!
Then...they were really excited!!

It was a magical day.
While it rained all around us...our tiny little pocket of southern California stayed dry.
The park wasn't too full...and we all had a blast.
Hailey was completely transfixed the entire day...trying to absorb all that was going on around her.
Her favorite character...Minnie Mouse...had a bit of a line...but we braved it for her...

but once she met Minnie...she was out for a few hours!

We wrapped up our time in California...then headed out to Arizona!

Sadly, our time with the Jimenez family found us battling the stomach bug.
Each one of us spent a day or two in bed...trying to get over it...
and then hoping that no one else would get it.
Jason's family graciously served us and nursed us...and then caught the bug themselves! :-(
Thankfully, there were other memories made of playing outside, 
building a pool, swimming, staying up late talking,
watering & tending the garden...and lots and lots of loving on family!!!

We took a quick trip up to Bullhead to see my older brother and his family...
and were there just in time to celebrate my sweet niece's first birthday!
Thankfully, they followed us back down to Tucson and spent some time with us before we left!

As always...the last night was spent at Peter Piper...
trying to squeeze in as many good-bye hugs and 
love as we possibly can!

The kids were all sad to bid their cousins and grandparents good-bye...
not knowing when they will see them again.
Each time gets harder and harder as they grow older...and form closer bonds with their family.
But it was a blessed trip...spending time with those we have not seen in such a long time...hearing how God has moved and worked in their lives...seeing prayers answered...and learning what to pray for next.