Easter 2014

Easter usually catches me a bit off guard. 
Maybe because I am counting down the days till the end of school.
Maybe because the date of Easter changes every year.
Maybe because the weather around me doesn't seem to correlate with the correct season.
Maybe because Spring seems to be synonymous with busy.
Whatever the case may be...I usually remember that Easter is coming...and scramble to put something together for the kids to do to in remembrance.

Not this year.
I was determined to have a week long of activities that kept our minds engaged and our hearts focused.
Every day of the week, the kids had something to do that centered around the Passion week.
One blustery day, we headed to the park for a scavenger hunt with friends.
Each of the kids had a list of items they needed to find...something sharp, something colorful, something alive, etc.
Once they had their collection, we sat down and read through the Scriptures that went with each item.
Something sharp represented the thorns that were placed on Jesus' brow.
Something alive represented our new life in Christ.
It was a cold...but fun day for the kids to tangible learn about the Easter story.

 We also did plenty of crafts...when I say plenty it means we did enough crafts to suffice me for the rest of the year! ;-)
We did stained glass crosses...coin covered crosses - because Jesus paid it all....resurrection rolls and several others.
The kids had a good time creating and getting messy.

Saturday before Easter we hosted several families for brunch and egg hunt.
Unfortunately...it rained and rained and rained the entire time everyone was here.
We had people bursting the seem of the house...but everyone still had a great time!

We even managed to convince the dads to endure the rain and hide the eggs for the kids...though given the rain the eggs were pretty easy to find.

 The kids ended up soggy...muddy...grassy...and happy! :-)

Sunday morning was spent in beautiful reflection of our Savior's sacrifice.
We were able to have several great conversations with the kids and listened to what Easter meant to them.
It was a fun...memorable week...once again reminding us to keep our eyes on the Author and Perfecter of our faith!