As humans...we long for an answer to everything. We want to be able to explain.
To know why. To rationalize. To control.
As Christians...we long to justify the "whys" of a situation.
Or the "reasons" behind certain trials and tribulations.
We are so quick to respond with rhetoric and rehearsed responses.
Commonly spoken phrases that spin suffering and pain in "acceptable" terms.
Limiting our view to what is here and now...and that which is unfolding in front of our eyes.
We decide what the purpose is for walking through challenges.
Claiming brokenness, humility, chastisement, or deepening our faith...
all of which we deem to be God's intention in allowing these struggles in our lives.
In order to make sense of the pain...we focus on our limited understanding of the situation
rather than on what we are able to understand of our God.
In the midst of excruciating trials, Job and his friends sit around analyzing the
causes and solutions of his suffering.
Ranging in emotion and ideas...they all weigh in with different opinions and philosophies.
At the end of themselves...they are aghast with the obvious unspoken answer...there is NO
explainable reason why Job should endure such suffering.
That is...not explainable here on earth.
While focused on what they can see...much was going on behind heaven's closed door that they
could not see.
In response to Job's lingering question...a whirlwind of a response is given.
Not an explanation to the "why" or the "what".
But an answer that goes beyond the suffering and pain.
Purpose does not always make the trial more bearable or easier to endure.
Only knowing the character of Him who allows it...fuels the fire for existence.
Knowing the sovereignty of an almighty God...who takes part in every element of His creation...
and admitting a deficiency in understanding that which is hidden...
Job recognizes his failing.
I had heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You...
The vastness of God's power...the reality of His incredible might...
the incomprehension of Yahweh's intricate and complex sovereign plan...
answered not the question of "why" to Job...but the understanding of Who.
Being filled with the knowledge of who He is that keeps all of life in balance...
Job no longer questions the purpose for his suffering.
He no longer tries to place a quaint little label over all that was transpiring in his life.
We are too quick to limit our sights. Too quick to relegate pain and suffering to it's own little
box of what our confined understanding can handle.
Instead of trying to figure out the purpose behind the pain...
rather than identifying all the life lessons to be gained from enduring these trials...
be filled with the knowledge of who He is.
Seek to know Him not only through the hearing of the ears...but the seeing of the eyes.
Take stock around the intricate plan of life unfolds...all at the behest of it's Creator.
Let the knowledge of the holy fill you with the assurance that...
He can do all things and no purpose of His can be thwarted.