Farewell February...

February was a BUSY month for the Jimenez family!!
We started it off with a super fun homeschool Valentine's party.
I had been nominated back in October to co-ordinate the different homeschool functions...and each succeeding function seemed to get bigger...and better...and (honestly) a bit CRAZIER!!!

Each child came with a box to decorate and Valentines in hand.
Then we played several fun games...which Moms were coerced into joining!!
(Thank the Lord for Minute to Win It games and Pinterest...for my creative skills are about non-existent.)

Even more games...

Cookies to decorate...and eat...

A time for learning about receiving and manifesting God's love...
and then the crazy Valentine exchange...
with over one hundred people in attendance...this proved a bit hairy!

Even with the kids running to and fro...babies crying... lollipops sticking to the carpet...frosting in hair...
it was a FABULOUS party!
We are so very blessed to be surrounded by families that are committed to homeschooling...
and a church that has opened wide it's doors to host all of our LOUD events!

February also brought us a fun 

Well...actually...it was really fun for the kids and Jason...
I stayed snuggled in the house by the fire.
(My snow days have been maxed out after living in Europe!)

I think this is definitely the year that Jason put his foot down about the plastic bags in lieu of snow boots!
Having never been a huge fan of wet feet...my philosophy is "whatever works"...but I think the sound of soggy plastic in the peaceful morning might have ruined the ambiance a bit! :-)

It might also be the year that we break down and plunk down some money for some REAL snow toys!
Beach bookie boards didn't seem to cut it for the big kids...hopefully we'll be more prepared next time!

Undeterred, the kids played and played!
Cheeks turning rosy and noses starting to drip...they continued on...finding as much "untouched" snow as possible!

February also brought us Valentine's Day!

Having been on two back to back trips without the kids...Jason and I wanted to spend the evening as a family...
So alongside all of the romantic couple dinners...it was Jimenez...party of SIX!!!!

So we bid farewell to February..ready to also bid farewell to dreary, rainy days...and bone-chilling weather!!!
And we say, hello to the spring...Easter...and the reminder of new life!!!