
Jackson Phillip...

you manage to be rough and tumble...tough and strong...all the while staying sweet and sensitive.
You love to play football...in any part of the house...during any time of the day...alone or with others.
You also love to ask questions. Wanting to know about when you were a baby...when Daddy and I were growing up...what our favorite thing to eat, read, play, etc.

You love to make people laugh with your jokes...and you are always ready with a hug just when it is most needed!!!

You are a fun big brother...and a fun little brother.
You are often sought out by your siblings to play games...tell stories...explore the backyard...and just hang out.

Jackson...we are so thankful for the gift you are.
Thankful for your smile...your infectious laughter...your willingness to serve others...and your heart for Jesus.

We pray that as you continue to grow, that God will fashion you into a young man that honors Him.
Loves His Word.
And loves His people.

Jackson...Happy Seventh Birthday, big guy!
Stay tough.
Stay strong in the Lord.
Stay sweet.
Stay ours.
We love you.