I know you have all been waiting with baited breath to see how potty-training has been going...of course, if you live anywhere near me you have already heard (or seen) how this past week has gone! :-)
We started off last Monday with everything you could POSSIBLY need to potty-train...or so I thought. We had numerous pairs of underwear..."chonies" in our house...wipes, treats, a carpet cleaner at the ready, two AMAZING helpers, and gallons of juice! We even had fun new Mickey Mouse sippy cups. I was ready!! I got up early on Monday morning and fortified my weakening resolve with the Word of God and was convinced that no matter what the situation...I was ready - physically and emotionally!!! Ha ha ha...
Actually, Monday - was a relatively easy day. Jackson was intrigued with the idea and ran to the toilet every five minutes. There were very few accidents and by the end of the day I was convinced that this had been the right thing to do at the right time.
But now...we are a week into this venture. Yes, I have lost my patience. Yes, I have cried. Yes, I have doubted myself OVER and OVER again...in fact, you might have received a phone call, text or email this week from me...seeking advice on whether or not I really am crazy!!!!
Our "Three-Day-Potty-Training" method has turned into a relaxed week or so of potty training! He went through church without an accident and we've allowed him out in public (in chonies...no pull-ups!). He is dry during naptime and most of the night. So now...we are just trying to work out the occasional kinks here and there!
All in all...this little guy has handled this week like a champ. There is change on the horizon for all of us...and none of us adapt that quickly or smoothly to it. But eventually change becomes normal and diapers a thing of the past! Hopefully...right???