

How is it possible that we are celebrating your TENTH birthday?
Where did the time go?
How did you go from being a silly little toddler that keeps us on our toes...
to a responsible, sensitive, nurturing kid...on the brink of adolescence?

You have grown up so much over the last ten years...
becoming more independent...willing to take on more responsibility...
becoming aware of so much more going on around you...
finding how you fit into this great big world!
So much has changed...and yet...

You are still that silly kid that tries so hard to make the family laugh...
loving on your younger siblings...
keeping them occupied with your games and stories...

Tyler James Jimenez...
big and brave ten-year old guy...
God is building His foundation of truth inside your heart...
and beginning to open up opportunities for you to boldly proclaim that truth.
We are praying that He will continue to grow you up in the true faith...
that He will stir up the gifts He has given you...
that you will not become enticed by the emptiness this world has to offer you...
and that you will always remain faithful to your God and Savior.
We love you, sweet son...and are so very thankful for the blessing you have been and continue to be!!!
Happy Birthday!