Jackson is my name...Football is my game..

Jackson loves football.
He talks about it.
He thinks about it.
He plays it any opportunity he gets.
He prays about it.
He dreams about it.
He LOVES the game of football.

Every afternoon - rain or shine...warm or freezing...Jackson is headed out to the backyard to play his game of football.
He would prefer to play alone first - that way he can get in a full "game" without interference.
If his brother comes out to play or a neighborhood friend...Jackson grudgingly allows them to join him.
But in the back of his mind he knows exactly what play he was on and what the score was - so he can resume it as soon as possible!

He knows every single NFL team there is - and he knows almost all of their quarterbacks.
At any given point, if you were to step outside during one of his "games", you would hear his running commentary of what was happening in the game.
He runs, He passes. He fakes to the right.

Jackson has been playing football in the backyard for as long as he has been old enough to walk.
This season though...he is practicing on a real team.
With real flags.
Real cleats.
Real mouth guards.
And real players.
He is over the moon!
He has ramped up his afternoon backyard practices and is super excited for his first game this weekend!