It's my birthday...

What do you want to do for your birthday?

I never know what to say to that question.
Jason usually tries to come up with something that sounds appealing...
a massage...
a day alone in a quiet house (that sounds bad but when you homeschool...)
shopping and a movie...
a picnic and hiking?!
That was it. 
Totally it.

We drove a couple hours away to a cool state park - Hanging Rock.
It had tons of different trails and water falls all over.

We hiked to two different waterfalls.

 Thankfully, it wasn't too hot that day...but hot enough to make those waterfalls look super inviting!

Hiking back to the van we made a UNANIMOUS decision to head to the lake..which was also a part of the state park.

The little kids swam at the lake front while Jason took the big kids out on a row boat.

It was such a fun day making memories and just hanging out together!
The best birthday present...being with family and making memories!!

That night, Jason treated me to my favorite restaurant and a date night to see Ben Hur!
What a perfect birthday!!!