
Our first little had us captured the moment you entered this world.

And with each passing season...

you have continued to endear our hearts... 

to your infectious smile...

 and hilarious quips.

It's hard to believe that fourteen years have passed...each adding another layer of depth to your personality.

You are a strong...beautiful young lady.
Beneath your sarcastic jokes and dry humor is a heart that truly cares for your siblings...and those around you.

Hailey and Jackson look up to you in many different ways...and you are inspiring them through your writing and your art.
We are praying that God will continue to use these gifts for His glory.
To make you stronger in your knowledge and faith of Him.

You have perfected the art of banter...especially with Tyler.
God knew that he would need you...and you would need him.
This past year has brought some different challenges for the two of you {writing class}
and we loved to watch you two face it together.

This last year has also been one of change and growth.
Dad and I are so very proud of how you've handled both.
You are not afraid to ask push examine all things before resting on the truth.
And for that we are thankful.
And through you, to allow others to see Him clearly.

And while you often have a front row seat to my own failures and flops {including your birthday dessert}...

you continue to be one of our biggest encouragers.
Your notes...your hugs...your "it's okay, Mom" have blessed us more than you know.

Happy Birthday, dear one...we love you!!!