Comedy of Errors...

Comedy of errors? Where does the comedy come from...what makes it funny? I have decided that when a certain number of errors occur...there is nothing left to do but order to maintain your sanity! That was the case this last weekend for our family. Luckily, I think I escaped with minimal damage and most (definitely not all) of my sanity!!!

We are living in an apartment now, as some of you know, waiting for our house to be finished. When we moved in here we packed a ton of our stuff in a garage unit here at the apartment complex. There were a few items that I asked for Jason to put at the front of the garage so that we could access it easier when we needed it. But...I guess I didn't realize we would be here until the baby was born and that I would need my "fat" clothes after Jackson has come! So, on Sunday Jay and I decided to work in the garage to figure out where these clothes bins were.

Also, we had moved our love seat into the apartment instead of our long couch because we thought it would fit better. But I have had quite a few sleepless nights due to being uncomfortable and I have tried to sleep on the love seat. Obviously I do NOT fit on a love seat! So we decided to move out the love seat and move in the couch. Aren't we just so ambitious!!!!??? (Maybe just a little crazy!)

After a not-so-long Sunday afternoon nap we ventured out into the garage. It happened to be the most humid day we have had all summer we were sweating by the time we had opened the garage door!

Obviously, there would be nothing to blog about if this was just a normal venture. Unfortunately, it was not. We moved the couch first...well, Jay pretty much did all the work himself. I "helped" as much as my belly would let me. And we both ended up injured!!! Jason almost broke his thumb and then dropped the couch on my head. Thus, we begin the errors...minus the comedy at this point!!!

As were were moving the couch we noticed that tons of spiders were crawling out of the bottom of the couch. We looked at each other thinking the same thing...they were going to be crawling all over me at night!!! UGHGHH!!!!

The hapless job with the couch took about two hours! And we were sweating like pigs!!! Then onto the bins. Well, wouldn't you know that they were in the very back of the garage behind the washer, dryer, and barbecue...and at the bottom of eight other bins. Yes, we were in good moods by the time we were finished!!!

That night we all went to bed tired and completely worn out. During the night, I started having minor contractions (probably due to dehydration) and so I went and slept on the couch. But I couldn't get the spiders out of my it was a sleep ridden with dreams of spiders.

I had just fallen asleep when a voice spoke into my face, "Mommy, Tyler's crying!" My first thought (remember I had just fallen asleep) was that he had been bitten by a spider. Thankfully, it was just a bad dream! But because of my obsession with spiders I decided to go back to sleep in my bed.

Again, I had just fallen asleep when I heard screaming. I flew out of bed (as fast as this big ole body will let me) and ran to the window. I know...why the window? For some my middle-of-the-night rationale...I thought there was a kid outside screaming. Yes, there was a kid screaming...but he was INSIDE our apartment. Jay ran into the living room just in time to watch Tyler puke all over the rug and carpet.

Yep, that was our weekend. all seems a little comical. Especially, since YOU didn't have to get on all fours and scrub carpet-puke at two in the morning. But in the morning I did have to find humor in all the craziness that makes up our life. And we're adding a newborn to the mix? Oh...Lord have mercy on us!!!!