The everyday life...
Dear Jimenez Kids...
Most of my blogs revolve around an event...a moment...a memory...that I try and capture in a picture or word and hold onto in a timeless place. Taking each outstanding performance or accomplishment and heralding it here so as to never forget. Making the most of every birthday and milestone so that looking back you will be able to see all that has transpired.
But those are the moments you are most likely TO remember. The big events. The special days. The celebrations of life. And the everyday life that ebbs and flows will only become the backdrop to those noticeable occasions. Your little nuances and quirks will only serve to be the fabric of your personality. The rhythm of life adapted into who you are and what you have become.
So in an effort to treasure this brief measure of is your everyday life...
You are the first to wake up every morning. Last week you asked me if you could wake up even EARLIER then your 7:15 start time. You wanted to wake up and spend time reading your Bible and writing in your prayer journal. And now...6:45 on the dot...the light turns on in your closet and the door is shut...evidence of your commitment. You have challenged me and inspired me.
When everyone else starts to wake head downstairs and get out bowls and cups for your siblings breakfast. You offer to get Hailey and try and be as helpful as possible. And then you eat. And eat. And eat some more. Obviously, you are a growing boy!!!
You work hard doing your school. Having a perfectionist attitude toward almost everything you try to do NOT like to make any mistakes...however small they maybe! :-)
With school finished, you find whoever is free and join in their land of make believe. You imagination is vivid and your fun is contagious!
Tyler, you have become very sensitive and insightful to the different stresses that play a part in daily life. When temper tantrums are thrown...or messes are made...or challenges are are quick to sidle up to me and offer me your hugs and support. You always ask how you can help...and volunteer to run errands with me - simply because you know I need help with Hailey and Jackson.
Your time with Dad is your favorite. Be it playing football, listening to History or Bible, helping him grill out, or playing are his constant companion!
You are the first one to get ready for bed...and holding out hope that one of these days we'll actually extend your curfew a bit later. You pray over each of your parents...exuding with gratitude for parents that love God, love you, and homeschool. In that exact order. Every night.
You are generally the last to wake up every morning. You relish your sleep...and have a feline nature at times. You are usually just making your breakfast as everyone is finishing up and are left rushing to get upstairs so as not to be left alone.
You have finished your AWANA book, workbook, and TruthScripts. Your director has just recently given you some verses from previous years to memorize. In lieu of a devotional, you have started to read whole chapters of the Bible...and even whole books. Many mornings I go in to see if you've started school to find you cuddled up with Bible in hand.
You sing through your school, literally....and at times can be distracted by anything and everything. But amazingly...there are hardly ever any mistakes. You enjoy, you ADORE reading! Sitting with me on the "reading" couch you regal me with your voices and inflections during reading time. And sometimes...during math or language arts you have snuck in a book to "glance at" in-between problems.
Afternoons are spent in your room...reading. You
have finished over twenty Mandie books, several Betsy and Tacys, Imagination Stations, Cul-de-Sac kids, and several Little House on the Prairies. You LOVE to read!!
Some afternoons slip into evening...and you only appear for dinner. You are completely content to create the day away.
In the last several months you have been asking more and more to help with dinner. You pull out my apron from the closet and bring the stool right up to the counter. Within minutes, our little kitchen turns into a five-star restaurant with waiting customers. You are always sweeping us away into your imaginary world!
You would take an hour shower if allowed...singing at the top of your lungs...thinking that no one can hear you! At bedtime, you pray over each of your parents...heartfelt, loving prayers...often bringing tears to our eyes. The other night you asked God to "give Mommy everything she needs to be close to you, God, and to know that You love her so very much".
Lately, bedtime has been "confession" time. Each night you confess something that is weighing heavily on your heart. Being sensitive to the working of His Word and the Holy Spirit in your life...we listen and love as best as we can. Then a kiss on the head...and lights out.
There is not a moment during the day that you are not talking, punching, kicking or fighting bad guys. Unfortunately, they seem to be everywhere in our home. Waiting for you to take care of them.
During the time that Tyler and Amy do school, you either fight the bad guys (first choice), play with Hailey, or attempt a little school of your own. Letters and numbers are interchangeable at this point. (But Leapfrog is helping with this!) Colors are coming around. Shapes are good. And JJ is definitely an easy name to conquer writing!
what you envision ..but dumping all the pieces out...spreading them around...and picking them up again constitutes "playing with Legos" for you.
Chicken nuggets is on the menu for you...everyday of the week. I don't even ask anymore. It's just assumed.
Afternoons are spent reminding you: rest time is not over; yes, you can go to the bathroom; yes, you can get a new CD; and no, rest time is not over. Spending a little time away from everyone else tends to make you sleepy...and sometimes I find your cheek pressed between a mound full of toys and your pillow...and you are fast asleep!
When you are usually have a plastic sword or Nerf gun in hand for those pesky bad guys that seem to always be lurking! Inevitably, no matter how hard you try...mud seems to find you! The other day you told me that you had fallen down in the mud...and then you picked up a plastic phone and showed me "the pictures" of how it happened! You are learning to peddle on your bike with the assistance of training wheels and a gentle push every now and again.
Evenings are spent joining in the activities of everyone else. You are always looking to be apart of whatever seems to be the most fun. :-)
Prayers vary depending on the day. You've prayed for "Jack and Mike" a lot in the past (we aren't sure who they are). Now you have been praying for your family...Daddy's book...and everyone to feel better! :-)
When it does finally come time to recharge your are quick to find reasons to get out of bed. I need to go to the bathroom. Can you put lotion on my lips? Did you pray with me, Mom? I love you, Dad.
Then...within are asleep! You play hard...but sleep even harder!
This is your life...the pieces that build up the puzzle that make you...YOU!
Having recently found your want to do everything on your own. Without the assistance of your ever willing siblings. And should they interfere with your individual make it known "I'll tell Mom about you!" in a very convincing tone!
You spend your mornings following Jackson around...deciding that everything he is playing what you would like to play with. At times he gives up...and other times...he just moves to a different room. For the most part, you two are thick as thieves. Making messes. Running around the house - singing at the top of your lungs. Building with blocks. Racing cars. Coloring papers. Having fun!
In the last few weeks you have basically potty-trained yourself. You decided one morning that you would like to go potty on the toilet...and that was that! The other morning...after successfully staying looked at me and said, "Mommy, I am so proud of you!" :-) Which was very fitting - coming from you.
If there is a discussion at any point of the day of anyone going are very quick to shout out "I'm going...I'm going"...because you would hate to miss out on anything fun!
Yes, you have found your voice! :-) And have quite the vocabulary for an almost two year old. You talk up a storm and for the most part...we understand every word you say!
Afternoons are spent playing in the sandbox and running around outside. Your playmate from next door is almost always at your well as Jackson to keep you in line! You see yourself as just as capable and able to do anything and everything your older siblings do. You kick the soccer ball. Try and throw the football. Mimicking whatever you see them doing.
Your bedtime routine includes the great big comfy chair in your room...and plenty of songs. Jesus Loves Me, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Old Macdonald, and Jesus Loves the Little Children...just to name a few.
As the tide ebbs and flows...changing the scenery of the coast upon which it the backdrop of your life will change with each passing day. What was once important will soon be forgotten. But these everyday moments will weave in and out...remaining constant in the fashioning of who you are.
Enveloped into the centrical and common purpose of God's design for you. And so, we will continue on in this common...everyday life...praising Him for giving us just one more day with you.