Brokenness meets Reconciliation
This is going to be plagiarism...but since its from Jason's sermon I think it'll be okay! :-) Jason taught from John 4 on Wednesday night for the youth service. His title was, "When Brokenness meets Reconciliation". It was amazing...I know I am biased but it really was good. There was one point especially that just keeps popping to the surface of my mind.
What is the definition for brokenness: to be reduced to fragments, not functioning properly; weakened in strength or spirit. The Samaritan woman had been fragmented. Her many relationships testify that she sought healing, completion, wholeness. She was trying to put a band aid on a gouging need. Jason pointed out that as Christians we have a tendency to do the same thing. When we are broken and discouraged we cover it up so well with playing the part of the "good" Christian. We continue on our everyday lives and fail to stop and access the damage of our heart. We try to put spiritual "band aids" over the hurt, resentment, bitterness, betrayal, unforgiveness in our lives. Ultimately, this causes the wound to be passed over initially and buried in our spiritual "to do" list. We mask the pain of what is truly going on in our hearts - all the while, every area of our life soon becomes affected by the pain.
Jesus cut to the quick with the woman at the well. He spoke directly to her - about her life. She tried to redirect His attention to a different topic...but it didn't work. Christ revealed Himself to her and that did the trick. Everything in her was crying out for what He offered. What stood in the way? Her pride.
We are the same. Foolish and prideful. Everything in us cries out to be reconciled to the Savior. We long for healing in our innermost being and yet, we try to distract the Holy Spirit from having His way in us. We focus on our church attendance, service record, etc. When all the while we simply need to put down our pride and fall face down.
This message spoke to so many different ways. I looked around that night at our students. So much pain is represented in that room. And I do fall face down and ask that our Redeemer will bring reconciliation to our youth, our church...and our nation!