Where there is sin...inevitably there is a dross. Where there is dross...there must be a fire to draw it out. Where there is fire...there is pain. But where there is pain...there is removal of the waste...restoration with the Father...and intimacy with the Savior.
I will refine them like silver and test them like gold.They will call on my name and I will answer them;I will say, 'They are my people,'and they will say, 'The Lord is our God.'Zechariah 13:9
Me: Really?
Amy: Yeah, she's my best friend.
Me: That's great. What's her name?
Amy: I don't remember.
Me: (quietly chuckling)
Amy: Mom, why are you laughing? She really is my friend!
Me: I know...but you don't remember her name?
Amy: No....but I remember she's a GIRL! (smiling proudly!)
Ha ha! And that is the beauty of five-year-old friendships! No drama, no pretense, no commitments...just "friends"!
He manages to stay quite entertained!!! :-)
Yesterday, we bought some cheap umbrellas at Target (yes...we needed those before Monday...oh well!). When we got home I was unloading the bags and pulling the tags off the umbrellas. I couldn't stop myself. I launched into a full volume - extreme force - heart felt version of Singin in the Rain. (Complete with my version of the dance - minus light poles!)
Now, my kids are quite used to this. It is considered "normal" at our house! They laugh, they dance, and at times join in the song. But this was a new song...so we crowded around the computer after I was done singing and I showed them the youtube clip of Gene Kelly stomping in puddles and dancing in the rain.
I am sure they will remember all these crazy moments. I just wonder how their memory will serve them - and how they will tell the story to their kids about their zany grandma! :-)
The weekend flew by. Too much fun...not enough time. It came...it went...and it was a blur of activity.
Friday - the kids had a little Valentine's party. Several of their friends came over to make cute crafts, some yummy cookies, and of course...watch Charlie Brown's Valentines! As everyone was leaving the snow started coming down. And down. And down!
Saturday - we were greeted with a beautiful white blanket of snow. I wish pictures would do the scenes justice...but it just doesn't seem to capture the crisp, clean sight of a freshly fallen snow! The kids were quick to make their own imprint and displace the snow in forms of angels, snowmen, and snow balls!!! After bundling everyone up, playing outside for a little bit, "un-bundling" everyone, changing clothes - we headed off to Olive Garden for a family Valentines date! We have had so many different activities lately that the kids have not been involved in...we were excited to spend our Valentines as a family! And Olive Garden is definitely a treat!
Jackson all bundled up to go out for our lunch!
With our bellies full, Amy and I went on a "girls-only" date to get our hair cut!
Saturday evening we put the kids to bed and had several of our friends over for a some yummy dessert and coffee. Jay and I love being around the high school kids...but occasionally...it is nice to have adult conversation! It was a great night!
Sunday - after church we took Jason for his Valentine's dinner which HAD to include sushi! Tradition has held true in the Jimenez household - Celia = Olive Garden and Jason = sushi! So typical - so yummy!!! :-)
Monday - our friends invited us to Plaza Fiesta. There is a giant play place in the mall for the kids to get every single ounce of energy out! They played with their friends non-stop for over two hours (with only several "water-breaks")! I had packed lunches for all of us...but the moment I set foot into the mall - I knew it was out of the question to eat a measly turkey sandwich. With authentic names like La Poblanita and Churro Station my stomach was grumbling well before lunch time. And true to their names - they lived up to their authenticity! It has been almost a year since I've been back to Arizona - but I almost feel like I stepped right out of the rainy Charlotte weather into a taqueria in Tucson!
The girls stuck close together all day long!
The boys - wild and crazy after their romp in the play place! (or should I say sweaty?)
All good things must come to an end...and Monday night marked the end. Laundry, bathrooms, making dinner, finishing taxes, budget...were all calling my name. But this will definitely be a weekend we remember for a long time! :-)
Let me back up.
Saturday night we met with our senior class at Chili's for dinner. Afterward they headed over to our house for several rousing rounds of Spoons and Catch Phrase. It was a great night - full of laughter, bonding, friendship, and encouragement. Our time with these students is beginning to fade and we treasure each moment spent with them.
As the night got later, it was apparent that our bedtime had approached (yes, we go to bed at 10pm!!! not 1am!!!) and we began to kick the students out! Safety for their ride home is our main concern - not really our sleep! So we got them all safely out the door and started to clean up the house.
Little did we know...God's ministering angels were hard at work! The first accident was just a fender bender. Thankfully no one was hurt...and there was minimal damage.
The second accident was a head-on collision that involved TWO of our students. Both of them were unscathed. The car - totalled.
The third accident involved 485 and a car going over 60 mph. Again - our student walked away completely unharmed (but quite terrified!) and the car - totalled.
Four students - on the same night - all leaving our house.
Jason had each of them come forward on Sunday morning in youth group. Talk about a sobering moment...you could have heard a pin drop. Life is so very fragile. And there is a very REAL enemy who's goal is to steal, kill, and destroy.
But he can not claim the victory over last night - and thankfully he will NEVER claim the victory over our life. Sweet mercy! Sweet grace! Thank you, Jesus!!!
One of our graduates from last year, Bethany, is definitely one of those adventurers. This is the one that had several pranks awaiting me at camp, put a For Sale sign in my yard while I was on a missions trip, made a video of her impersonation of me leading a Bible study and many other crazy antics. But she is also the one that has a solid walk with God and an exciting calling on her life. It has been hard to gradually let go of my role in her life and watch as others walk alongside of her and challenge her in new ways...but knowing all the while that God has her firmly in His grip.
I have no greater joy than to that my children are walking in the truth
3 John 1:4
After spending Saturday afternoon studying for our Sunday classes - we found out late Saturday night that church was cancelled. This was a first for Jay and I - church cancelled??? But apparently there were several car accidents dotting the highway leading to our church on top of a very very icy parking lot! So...thank goodness for a wise decision and some quick foresight!
Tyler "boogie-boarding" in the snow!
Blog Archive
We celebrated July 4th with our sweet friends, the Bass family. After some yummy burgers...we got out the sparklers and fireworks. Kenna Lex...
My parents got me a guitar for my birthday. I have been trying to learn on my own...and I'm sure I would progress much faster if I pract...
Christmas is over. The decorations are all put away. The toys and clothes and gadgets and all other presents have found new homes in bins an...
Time out for a toddler is a punishment. Time out for a busy homeschool mom sounds like bliss. So when my friend, Sarah, mentioned that ...
Mom, I never realized how much time and energy it took you to make homemade Chorizo for us EVERY year... ...now I do! I had no idea all t...
On the last night of high school camp there is a special ceremony called the lantern lighting. Essentially it is the senior class passing ...
Behind. Somehow I got just a tad bit behind in blogging. As in...an entire year behind. I tried to catch up over the summer...when school wa...
It's not always easy living far from family. We have been blessed over the last thirteen years of living in North Carolina to have dear...