Was that a compliment...er...uh?
Tyler is usually the first one up...bright and early...ready to face the day head on! He is very talkative and being that no one else is awake...he has a singular audience in me. The other morning I was not quite ready to be awake so we decided to snuggle on the couch until my eyes would cooperate.
We started having a discussion about "mommies". We veered off into the realm of "perfect" mommies (if they exist) and what they would do with their children. Obviously, they would let their kids watch TV all day long, drink chocolate milk with EVERY meal, have a snack whenever they want (even before dinner), etc. You get the idea!
I was winding up for the big "there-are-no-perfect-mommies" speech when Tyler leaned over and kissed me and said, "I don't want a perfect mommy...I just want my plain ole mama!"
Ah...so sweet...even if I am plain, old, and FAR from perfect! :-)