
Our crazy, boisterous, silly, tough little guy! 
His sweet little face...infectious belly laugh...and growing vocabulary makes every day exciting and fun!
However, his propensity for finding himself in complex situations is starting to become quite painful for him!!

Last week, during one of the more blustery days, we decided to turn the fireplace on to keep the house nice and cozy. The kids are all aware of the rules about the fireplace...but one of those kids...did not quite understand the reason for the rules!!!

 Our inquisitive little man...leaned forward to catch a closer glimpse at the inner-workings of the fireplace and did a face plant on the protective glass.
Obviously, with the fireplace on...this glass was immensely hot...and so...quite a nasty burn ensued!

With a double ear infection in the midst of the equation...two antibiotic shots throbbing in his legs...and now a horrible burn covering his face...this little guy put his smile away for about a week...and resigned himself to misery!

A week of wailing, clinging, rubbing, creaming, washing, and cuddling followed.
His charming personality refused to surface...hidden behind a suffering little boy!

But with the healing of his face, came the peeking little smile.
Nothing gets this kid down for too long!
Thankfully, the Lord spared him from a much worse scenario and it is almost behind us now!

Maybe this little lesson of playing with fire...will live infinitely on in his memory and keep him from many more situations of getting burned!!! :-)