
Survivor 2018
Amy joined her class of eighth graders at our church for a weekend away.

The student ministry team recognizes that eighth grade has a unique shift. Finishing middle school and anticipating the leap up to high school. There are social demands - peer pressure - culture can be hard to navigate.

So they gather up the eighth graders and take them away from it all.

And teach them how to SURVIVE!
It is a weekend filled with Survivor like games that show the need for true community and trusting those around you.

Amy was on the Yanacaq team...

and was VERY competitive (which her team leader LOVED!)

The last night, the parents are invited up to share in the evening...

AND the games!

We also sat in on the teaching...which is focused on pursuing purity.

At the end of the evening, Jason and I spoke blessing over Amy and prayed for her.
Committing her to the Lord and asking Him to equip her and empower her to live our her faith.
It was an incredible weekend for Amy...and for us.