Making all things beautiful...

The older they get the more I realize that each of my four children are completely unique.
In personality.
In giftedness.
In struggles.
In accomplishments.
In joy.
In pain.
In how they respond to truth.
In the complexities of their hearts.
In what makes them laugh.
In their outlook on life.
And on and on...

And with that uniqueness comes great dependency for me on the Holy Spirit.
How I interact and respond to one might not be the best way to respond to another.
The answer I give Hailey would not be the same in-depth answer I give to Amy.
The time I spend cuddling Jackson has lost it's appeal to Tyler.
Each encounter being particular to their personality.
Causing me to lean into the Lord and ask for supernatural wisdom and insight.

And at times I fail. 
Becoming impatient. 
Disengaged. Distracted. 
Allowing my anger to decide my answer. 
Focusing on behavior instead of the heart.
Losing sight of what God is doing unseen in their hearts.
But I am reminded this morning of the redemptive pursuit of the Father that never rests.

He has made every thing beautiful in HIS time: 
also He has set the eternity in their heart, 
so that no man can find out the work that God makes from the beginning to the end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Making ALL things beautiful.
In HIS time.
Not in the time frame I have set forth.
And very possibly not in the way I think is best.
Four children - each unique - each with sin bents that are known intimately by their heavenly Father - each with a mom that is imperfect - each coming to understand and receive salvation in their own way - but each being made beautiful in HIS time.