
Happy 10th Birthday to Jackson Phillip!!

Each year that passes I wonder if this will be the year you stop snuggling with me on the couch...if one day you will wake up and decide you are too old to hold Mom's hand at the store...or get embarrassed by my hugs. 

But at ten years are still the sweetest, most affectionate guy around.
I am thankful for the way you feel deeply...your sensitivity to others...your love for your siblings...the way you see those that are often unseen...your desire to please God...and your tender heart.

We had such a good time celebrating you with family...

and then with friends with an Amazing Race party!!

We split up into teams...

Tyler and Lillie McCrory

Amy and Lexi Kennedy

Evie McCrory and Hailey

Nick Bash and Ellie McCrory

 and of course - Jackson with Louis Bash.

It was a crazy time of running back and forth...trying to complete road block and head onto the next one.

And the first ones on the mat at the finale...Amy and Lexi!!!

Such a fun time celebrating Jackson with great friends.

Happy Birthday, sweet Jackson!!

Praying that the year to come will continue to grow you into the man God has called you to be!
We love you!!!