A Day in the Life of...

One of Tyler's most treasured Christmas gifts was a camera. He was given a disposable camera while in Disneyworld and had used it up almost immediately. As soon as it was finished, he was begging for another one. Thus, the idea popped into my mom's head to get him a "real" camera for Christmas.
The thrill of capturing your life on film! There is not a day that goes by that I fail to hear the little chime of Tyler's red camera. And this just happens to be...a day in the life of Tyler Jimenez!!!

Quite a few self-portraits!!

Ahem...a picture of schoolwork!!!

And of course, the closet!

Whilst in the closet...another self-portrait!

He wanted to make sure and enhance Jackson's runny nose! Lovely...

Evidence of affection amongst siblings!

So perhaps there is a future for Tyler in photo-journaling...who knows! Or perhaps he will simply capture the ups and downs of life with the Jimenez family! ;-)